Web Hosting Security You wouldn’t leave your house unlocked, or your handbag lying open in a room full of strangers (well, maybe you would but that is an issue for a different time), so why not take the same interest in the security of your web host ? Whether your site is a personal blog, a portfolio or a professional company website, you need to be confident that it is as secure as possible. With the internet becoming more and more accessible from anywhere in the world, it has fast become the standard in both business and wider communication. It has also become a bigger target for hackers and opportune tech-heads to challenge themselves and see how far they can get. Even if your company doesn’t deal with money directly, there is still information that be taken and used unethically. Although it sounds like something from a film (Melissa McCarthy, I am looking at you), identity thieves are a real threat to the internet world. They seek information that they can use to gain so...
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